Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the end of the season.
Receive 50% off your first drink @the bar when you come in & put on your tips.
Any Member who picks 9 WINNERS or 9 LOSERS receives a FREE Schooner of beer from the bar.
Tipping wind up at the end of the season - watch one of the AFL finals games (to be nominated) where drinks will be at happy hour prices for the whole game, bar snacks at half time. The all important unveiling of the mystery rounds and prize payments to the winners.
Cost $25 (5291 Club Members $20)
First game is Wednesday 16th March 2023, 1st Round.
All monies must be paid by the start of the 3rd round 30th March 2022
Any matches that are a draw will be counted as a NO RESULT; zero points awarded
2 nominated rounds will be BLIND & points will be unveiled at the end of year wind up.
PRIZE POOL WILL BE AWARDED TO 1ST, 2ND & 3RD. In the event of a draw for any placing the money will be combined and split in two as done in racing.
All tips of the week MUST BE IN before the bounce of the FIRST BALL OF THE ROUND. No tips to be entered after the first bounce.
When NO TIPS have been entered by first ball the away teams will be allocated for your week’s entry.
By paying your fee confirms you agree with the above terms.
If you wish to participate, please give your name and money to the bar staff.
ALL enquiries to Stephen or TJ if I'm away.